Well HELLO world!! Nice to meet you!

I am an interior designer in the Washington DC area, that is just about to launch my own residential interior design business. I feel excited, filled with more ideas than I’ve ever had, incredibly inspired (yes, I mean that seriously), but also scared at the same time! This is something I have been noodling over since I was in college, and kept thinking I needed more and more time to gain the experience to do this. And now here I am, 18 years into my wildly varied design career, knowing that the time is right now!!!!!

So I plan to use this blog with something that I have been doing my whole life, sharing with you my version of a Trend Report. And not just trends in the sense of “Pantone color of the year”, but social trends that eventually affect what you see in design—— way before it ever hits your home. We will layer this research into the design work of Ann Gottlieb Design, and share with you the progress as we develop our projects!

If you have any questions or want to connect, send me a note via my contact info on this website!



Woah what is happening?