New President, New Trends!

Hello Friends! What a great day in history!!!!!!

We have our very first FEMALE Vice President, as well as a President who is still allowed on Twitter! I cannot believe that not only myself, but my daughter, are alive for this day of history AND that we live in Washington DC. I hope that progressive change continues to build momentum in this country and that it encourages more women to do “big, hairy, audacious” things and go for their dreams!

So, speaking of out with the old, and in with the new, check out some new home trends in this article here. Before you roll your eyes, I have to say, I do keep reading that open-plan kitchens are on their way out—- as well as all-white kitchens!!! This trend started even before COVID-19, but all of us being cooped up at home has just accelerated this.

People are looking for more private spaces now that we are working, going to school, and just living at home all together without a break from one another. The project above shows a great example of a home taking advantage of a more divided ground floor plan. The “traditional great room” is going to die out as a trend-mark my words!

Another trend that keeps popping up in my feed is the increase in demand for cement and terrazzo kitchen counters, while the use of marble declines. This is due to cost and maintenance— you can get a resin based product that is much more resistant to stains—- and much less expensive. It looks great too, especially with contrasting color cabinets! Now… don’t worry, I will ALWAYS think marble is great to use, we now have more luxurious alternatives.

Take a peak at this article from Domino and let me know what you think! And have a great rest of the week!



The Home Office

