WW – Bathroom Edition

Hello hello everyone! Happy Hump Day, and Happy Wellbeing Wednesday!

As I write, I sit in the sun in Orlando, trying to be resourceful on ways to not spend money, and eat as cheaply as possible. Does anyone have tips for me? So far I am overeating protein bars and chickpea chips, but I keep saving myself for dinner…. At least I have my Peloton App to keep me grounded in remembering that my “workout should not feel like Disneyland” in the words of Jess Sims.

I’ll keep this quick, but I do want to share some thoughts on greenery, and how adding greenery to your home REALLY does make a difference. BTW (and speaking of greenery) I hadn’t been to Disney since I was 5, but I now realize why the cost is so high—- the spend on the park build-out had to have been completely insane! The details are so incredibly intricate at each ride, the ticket cost almost makes sense now! Check out the image below from Animal Kingdom— they brought the jungle to life. Below is a man-made floating rock with live and fake greenery, all supported by rebar that has been bent. Each tree “limb” is actually a metal rod coated below-molded plastic that has an intricate pattern that varies —- I never saw the same pattern twice.

OK back to greenery in your home…. I don’t know about you, but I do NOT have a green thumb. If you do, use it to your advantage, and try adding different-sized plants (very large and very small) into different rooms in your home. If you go to a reputable garden store, they will be able to recommend plants to purchase based on the room location and quantity of sunlight, as well as how often they need to be watered. My favorite spot to go to is Merrifield Garden Center. I know,… I have brought them up before, but they are amazing, and their plants don’t die. Try the concept of combining different scales of plants in a room or two— small like succulents, large plants that hang over shelving, or even a larger leaf plant that reaches 7’ high and space them out in different tables or corners of your room. Watch how it truly changes the vibe—- everything feels cozier, warmer, softer, and just plain better.

If you are like me, zero green thumbs, and nothing lives that you touch, try the faux greenery or preserved greenery route. Again, Merrifield Garden Center has AMAZING faux plants. But if you want to make your greenery feel like art, check out Garden on the Wall, and Artisan Moss. They actually preserve what was once live greenery into something framed that you do not need to take care of, or water. Take a look at how adding this to a master bathroom project really helps the outside from the yard come into the bathroom. It feels like you are staying in an expensive spa or hotel, and you don’t have to water the art!

Photography by Stacy Zarin Goldberg; Design by Ann Gottlieb Design

Here is another example of preserved greenery art used in a living space. Adding this really warms up the room, while adding texture and organic qualities that honestly make you feel more relaxed.

Photography by Stacy Zarin Goldberg; Design by Ann Gottlieb Design

So, don’t be scared to add a little greenery to your home. Even if it’s fake, who has to know besides you? I’m telling you, it will transform the vibe into something calmer and cozy with minimal effort! And don’t forget to get a great vase/pot to coordinate with the style of your home—- that too makes a massive difference!



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