DIY Project

Hey my friends—- I know, it’s been a hot minute since I blogged! I have to be honest, I haven’t found much to be inspired about writing about—— and I plan to remain authentic to that!!!

Anyone else needing a fun weekend project to up the “ante” on your bedroom or spare bedroom? I came cross this article in Domino, a residential design magazine, that had a really neat DIY project, using pool noodles! I keep coming across upholstered headboards lately, and this seemed like a great idea for those of you who want hip for less. (I am going to be real—- this is too much work for me)

So you gather minimal materials, and the fabric of choice (the biggest expense of the project), and start assembling! Key is, getting a material with a real pop, and contrast mix to your bedding. I totally agree with the idea of velvet— its soft, looks luxe, and honestly never goes out of style. Yes, it may stain if you throw coffee or wine on it, but, how often will that happen? Let’s be real…

Images by Margaret Wright

See some photos of the during and after. Let me know what you think, and if you end up doing it yourself!!!!

Stay tuned for more this weekend—



What’s coming, what’s going


Bedroom Closets!