Wellbeing Wednesday!

Happy Hump Day everyone! I hope you’re having a great week so far—- I wish it was the weekend already!

I thought I would start curating a few themes that could carry throughout my blog, and we’re starting with “Wellbeing Wednesday”. Many of you may be asking why highlight this topic. Wellbeing is a huge trend that gained traction several years ago, but won’t be dying down any time soon— and let’s be real, it’s all around ways to better our own lives and maximize our enjoyment of it!

One of the pioneers that rallied much press around this trend is the company that GP started, GOOP. Why is it a trend that isn’t dying down? Well, for one thing, COVID and the lasting societal shifts we will see, but second is how we have been living our lives the last few years pre-COVID. Technology and social media have made our brains twirl and spin, and we are fed so much information all hours of the day, that we just need a break! Through this shift in technology, and how we communicate with people, we’ve all started working too much and over-committing ourselves, and stopped taking time to just “smell the roses”. Through this, we’re learning more and more about the importance of integrating Wellness into our lives, and I’ll keep you up to date on interesting tips and tricks for your own lives.

So… for our first “Wellbeing Wednesday”, I have a great article from House Beautiful that has some great ideas for how to make your own home a Wellbeing Haven. My favorite was to have a balance of dedicated work and relaxing space—- this is very relatable right now, especially for those with smaller living spaces. It is hard to turn off from work and relax if your makeshift office is in your bedroom. Check out the article and let me know what you think!





Wabi Sabi